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All six brands explored demonstrate that they have their own individual way of gaining awareness and success in high street fashion, some more successful than others. The middle market brands Nike and Adidas are the most effective in terms of promotion, they use every resource possible to communicate their brand and footwear range to their consumers. They stay loyal to their consumers and keep them interest with regular and new campaigns in different product areas within the brand. The high market level uses a different technique for promotion, a technique that’s more direct to the high end fashion industry itself, taking part in famous fashion shows around the world keeping their brand premium and upper class. They may not have much ATL promotion but they make up for that through other techniques which are effective in a more advance way. The lower market brands really are setting themselves to lose out profit and awareness as there is not many new campaigns, hardly any interaction with their consumers which why the brands are seen as value brand. There is nothing new to keep the communication with the consumers which is where things fall apart as they struggle to keep up with the ever changing fashion trends.



Comparison Chart

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